
Showing posts from January, 2020

"ENGLISH TASK" - Application Letter and Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Jakarta, January 21, 2020 Dear Human Resources Departement PT. Trio Rizki Indonesia Soekarno Hatta 16 th Street Cirebon City As a highly skilled Auditor, i read your posing for a new Officer Developer Program with interest. My experience aligns well with with the qualifications you are seeking at Jabar Banten Bank, in particular my role as Developer with Mandro Bank, and i am certain i would make a valuable addition to your company. With more than 5 years experience as an Developer, i am adept in promram analysis, coding, security system, update system, and software engineer. Moreover, while my on the job experience has afforded me a well-rounded skill set, including firstrate analytical and communication skill, i excel at: 1.      Consistenly update security patch for system 2.      Repair the system from damage 3.      Improving the system usefull for your organization In addition to my experienc...

"ENGLISH TASK" - Order Letter

CV. TRIO RIZKI PETSHOP 18 th Tembaga Street Indramayu, 45212 January 15, 2020 PT. PRIMA PETSHOP Cirebon City West Java Attention: Sales Departement I’d like to order the Widgets listed in the table below. The reference numbers are from your 2019 catalogue. Please include a new catalogue with my order. Quantity Ref.# Description Price Total 50 BL001 Bolt Cat’s Food Rp 18.000 Rp 900.000 80 MY020 Murray Bird’s Food Rp 20.000 Rp 1.600.000 Total Rp 2.500.000 I Would like this order to ship COD complete. If you cannot ship the complete order within 10 days, please notify me immediately. I can be reached at (0234) 271062. Thank you, Adhitia Pratama General Manager